Thursday, April 26, 2012

On the Mend

We've had a bit of a rough time here with a couple injuries requiring medical attention and several requiring a little TLC from mom or dad. Ethan was our first big injury with a broken arm. We got a call from school saying he fell off the monkey bars at school and his arm was hurting him pretty bad. I brought him to the doctor and yep it was broke. He was in a hard splint for a week, then on a a cast. We went back last week for a follow up and everything is healing as it should. The Dr. showed me the x-rays and he actually broke both bones, I thought it was just the larger one. Next week he gets his big cast off and moves to a new short cast for a couple weeks, hopefully he'll be cast free by the last week of school!

 Next injury needing medical attention was Mark. He caught his leg on the rutted track while riding motocross. Surprisingly he was able to keep the bike up and drive back to the house. I know if I caught my leg going around a corner at a high rate of speed I would fall over. But he's a lot tougher then me! :) He actually tore his MCL and LCL the two outer ligaments of the knee. He was supposed to use crutches for a week, but I think I saw him use them twice. :) It appears that he must have torn these ligaments in a past accident, because of the amount of movement in the knee, but the doctor thinks it should heal without surgery. 

Elijah was jealous so since he had a scab on his head he got to join the injured person picture. Anton wanted to join in as well, he actually smashed his finger very bad, taking off a thick layer of skin so he qualified too.   

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