Our family started work in the garden last week. Mark's
involvement was dumping two piles of dirt in the garden with his
skid loader. Many years of picking veggies left us with a low spot in the garden, which turns into a pond when it rains. We probably won't see Mark in the garden much more. Unless it involves his skidloader or power tools. :) I enjoy gardening and will do all the planting, weeding and harvesting. The kids will "help" whenever they see me out there. In this picture Amelia and I are busy planting potatoes and three types of onions. Amelia loves onions! We also plant to plant sugar snap peas, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, green peppers, watermelon,
cantaloupe, acorn squash,
pumpkins and gourds.

Ethan and Amelia played in the freshly tiled dirt. This is Ethan's favorite part about gardening, that and harvesting our veggies.

Amelia watering in the onions. This is her favorite part of gardening.
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