On a side note.
The ticks are out! :( Ang had one crawling on her and screamed and swatted him off. We all looked a little over each other a little to make sure no one else had one. Ethan was curious about this bug and asked what it was. I told him a little bug with a pokey sucker that drinks your blood when he pokes you. (This was to much information.) Later I found a tick crawling on me. So we all looked each other over again, no ticks. Poor Ethan asked twice that night about ticks. Once he came to me and said, "I think a feel a tack on me." :) the other time he got out of bed to tell me that Grandma said I needed to check him for "tacks" when we got home. I'm happy to report that they didn't have any on them. But poor Aunt Ang found another one on her. :)
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