Last Saturday the kids and I picked up 6 chicks and 3 ducks. This is our third time raising chicks so I knew what I was getting into with them. It's our first time with ducks and it's turned out to be a lot more work than I thought! Chicks are pretty easy, about the only annoying thing they do is scratch and spread their feed though the pine shavings. Ducks however splash in their water making everything soaking wet in a hurry. Chicks don't like to be wet so I have been changing their bedding 2-3 times a day to keep them healthy and warm. We have them all in the house in a large Rubbermaid. This morning I power washed and moved my large chick box the shop, so hopefully tomorrow I can relocate them to a larger area.

Our flock.
We chose 2 Pekin ducks. They are big and white when they are full grown.
I put a pan of water in the pen for the ducks. It was so cute to watch them splash and clean themselves. The black duck is a Rouben duck. He is basically a larger version of a mallard.

If I can't find Elijah I just look by the chick box and he's usually there. He loves to watch them . Thankfully he can't reach them in the bottom of their box!

"See my chick" Amelia is holding one of the Buffed Orphington Chicks.

Ethan claimed the Rouben duck as his.

This is just a picture of a black bird I caught on Saturday. He flew into the window of Mark's shop and got knocked silly for a few minutes. The kids thought he was kind of neat.
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