Elijah turned 9 months old last week so I thought I would post a few things about what he's up to. We just had his 9 month check up today and he weighed exactly 19 lbs and was 28 1/2 inches long.

Elijah is
definitely an outdoor kid! He cries
everytime someone goes outside without taking him along. He especially cries when Mark leaves. He also likes to be just like Ethan and Amelia. When he sees them riding their bikes he wants to join in. I love that this little toy because it has a long handle for pushing. We have lots of fun riding in the shop and yard!

Balls seem to be Elijah's favorite toy at this point. Any size from golf balls to soccer balls will do. He loves to play catch or throw and then chase golf balls on the kitchen floor.

He has two lower front teeth and the doctor said his top teeth are coming in.

He has been cruising around furniture for about 2-3 weeks.

Always bothering Amelia! Here he is trying to steal her Little Debbie cake. If he isn't stealing her food he is pulling her hair or messing up her games or dolls.

Walking around the living room with his little cart. He does great in forward but doesn't have reverse. :) We have to help out when he hits the wall.

His special "lovey" is a fuzzy blanket my Aunt Jean made. He loves it and for some reason sucks on it to go to sleep.
You would think that most kids would be scared of the vacuum. Not Elijah, he zips right up to it and puts his hand on the top to feel it vibrate.

Fun with Amelia.

I have another mess-maker!
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