Last weekend Mark and I babysat two of his sisters boys while she and her husband went on a trip. We kept very busy with 6 kids under 7 years of age but all went well! Here are a few pictures of our weekend.

Anton's new thing is to open the fireplace and climb inside or at least try. Seriously, why would anyone find this fun? It's dirty, it stinks and it's creepy in there! What a NUT! We had to wash lots of clothes!

Hey there, that's not a sand box! :) We like to sprinkle jello over our applesauce for dessert sometimes, Elliot must have remembered that from the night before. :)

Mark took four of the kids for a track hoe ride so Anton could rest and I could clean up the house.

Oh bummer! I was lazy and thought I would see how far I could drive down the motocross track to get the kids from Mark. I easily made it over the first little jump and along the pond. I made it past a second little jump with a big rut hidden under the snow. You would think I'd be smart enough to stop while I'm ahead, but I'm not. :) Surely I can make it over this last jump and into the clear so I can turn around and drive out instead of backing out all the way. The front makes it over and bump, I'm stuck. (sigh) Well let's try and back up before Mark sees me. Nope, that didn't work, lets go forward again, nope that didn't work. Let's try rocking back and forth really fast in the drivers seat while going in reverse. Nope that didn't work either. By this time Mark has noticed me and I'm all out of idea's for getting out on my own. He didn't laugh at me, just smiled and asked if I thought I was part of the jeep club that goes off
roading on our property. :) Thankfully with a little push from the track hoe I was out, sort of. I made it off the hill only to get stuck at the bottom of the next one. Seeing were this was going, or NOT going I should say, I got out and asked Mark to back me all the way out. Thanks Mark you're my hero! :)

Mark to my rescue with the track-hoe.

A close up of him just before he gave us a little push. Most people who drive Lincoln Navigators would cringe at the sight of track hoe pushing the front of their
vehicle. Not me, this thing has been through countless fields and waterways. Believe me, this is not the worst it's seen! :)

What is he doing?

Kids always like to go outside, so we made a few trips out with all of them. Yes it did take forever to bundle everyone up! :)

We bought Amelia a little doll bed at the school Auction. Elijah thought it was a nice spot to rest.

The breakfast crew enjoying pancakes!

We also made play dough one afternoon. The kids did a great job making little creations and having fun with the play dough toys. Until Elijah got up from his nap and got a hold of it. We now have one colorful mass of play dough. :)
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