Here are a few pictures of the boys in our house from the past two weeks.

Elijah excavating his supper, hamburger looks a little like dirt, right? Gotta love the "cheese" smile that he has started doing when he sees me with the camera. :)

The kids have been playing outside a lot with the warm weather. Here Ethan is working on some sort of acrobatic move. :)

Anton at 6 weeks.

Anton at 7 weeks.

Could this be why I've replaced the batteries 3 times in the last month?

Those of you who know Elijah, know that he doesn't say much, instead he points and does his own kind of sign language. Here is a picture of him letting me know he wants to ride with Dad on the
dozer. Update: He has started saying more words over the past week!

Mark building a terrace at our house a couple weeks ago. The kids really enjoy watching him!
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