Wednesday night marked the end of my five year
journey as a GEMS leader at our church. I've been with the same group of girls since they were in fourth grade! Wow, how the time flew by! During that five years not only did I get a chance to watch the girls from church grow, but also my family! Amelia was born a month before I started teaching this group and we had Elijah and Anton as well. A very busy time of life for me. :) My co-leader Robbyn also had all three of her children during the five years we lead together. Yes, one of us was pregnant every single year! Even though we were both busy at home we managed to get lots of badges done with tons of fun over the years. I enjoyed my time serving as a GEMS leader but also look forward to having my Wednesday nights free. I've spent the last 9 years serving as a either a Youth Group leader or GEMS leader on Wednesdays. What will I do with my time? :)

Robbyn (my wonderful co-leader!) and I after the finale.

Our 8
th grade class. (we have 10 girls, but one wasn't able to come)
The entire GEMS group 4th grade through 8th grade.

A picture of the girls this winter before we went out to eat for our etiquette badge.