We've had our goose for a month now and he continues to grow and change daily. He is now bigger than the chickens and getting his feathers. I let him run around the yard during the day. He likes to hang out in front of the house by the deck and beside the bushes. If we go outside he happily follows us around the yard. The other day the kids and I took the Ranger to the coalmine to watch Mark in the excavator and within a couple minutes here comes Goose. He actually followed us down the field path nearly 500 feet from our yard. We loaded him up and he road around with us in the Ranger through the coalmine as we followed Mark. He isn't much for swimming yet but actually floats now; before he would dive up and down and never actually float. At night I still lock him up in Mark's shop in a large dog box. The chickens don't like him or I would put him with them. Here are a couple pictures showing his growth.

Hanging out in the front yard.
I'm not sure what he's trying to do. Don't worry buddy we don't have Steve Deace locked in there. :)
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