It seems we've been keeping busy the last couple weeks but I haven't taken many pictures. Doctor visits, dentist visits, cleaning up muddy kids and floors, church groups.... the list goes on but nothing really worth taking a picture. Although the muddy kids have been pretty impressive. I'll try to get a few shots of them in the weeks ahead. :)
We had a nice Valentines Day the kids made Mark cards with their hand prints or foot prints and I made him a huge heart shaped triple peanut cookie. He got me 5 roses 3 like the one above to represent my 3 boys and 2 yellow ones for my girls, very sweet!
Allison got this little shirt as a gift, I think hot pink is a good color for her. :)

I LOVE contests and Monsanto had one this fall where farmers could register to win $2500 for their favorite non-profit . I ended up winning and gave the money to our school!
Exercise has been another big activity at our house. I bought a exercise video from our chiropractor and it's been a hit. It's more strength training so Mark has enjoyed that with the kids, they even got a pull up bar. I on the other hand don't enjoy this at all and wait until nobody is around to see how bad I am! :)