My blog isn't working right but I did my best to add a few random pictures. I have a couple more posts of Christmas things I'd like to get done soon if my computer will let me!

AH, sweet revenge! Elijah and Anton fight quite a bit, here Elijah was playing in a laundry basket when Anton decided to hop on top so he couldn't get out.

Mark and I took third place in the Iowa Farm Bureau Young Farmer Achievement Contest (a farm management contest)

The kids dressed up for their Christmas program this morning. This was Elijah's first year in the program. I was thankful he at least stood up there, even if he had to be bribed by his teacher with a toy. :)

Mark got Ethan some screws for his motorcycle tires so he could ride on the ice this winter. The boys had fun helping and were excited about the free hats they got!

Elijah has learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! He's so proud of himself! For some reason he likes riding Amelia's bike better than his own though.

The extra cement around the shop was supposed to help with my "kid in the mud" problems, but it's looking like I still have to deal with the muddy kid! Mark better get his drain cleaned out!

The boys take the easy ride on the motorcycle, but Amelia would rather chase them. She loves to run!