Yesterday was Anton's 1st birthday! The past year has gone by so quickly and Anton has grown up so much! At this point he's trying very hard to walk and is getting better and better every day. He also says a few words, "hot, mama, dada and kee (kitty)" are his favorites. He doesn't play with many toys at this point. He would rather tinker with stuff, like dirt in my potted plants, Tupperware in the cupboards or anything his siblings are playing with. We can get him to play "catch" and he does like rolling balls a lot. Which is why I made him a "ball" cake for his birthday. Happy Birthday Anton!

Anton with his birthday cake.

We had a house full to say the least! Poor Anton felt very invaded with all the extra family in the around and cried about it much of the night. :( In this picture he's doing well opening a few presents with Elijah and Ezra.

A picture on Anton and me this week.

One year earlier, the day he was born.

Someone needs a haircut! Mark doesn't like hair on the ears at all. So Amelia and I brought Anton to his first haircut this week.

He did very well for Kelly, but we were both full of hair afterward!

His after picture.