You probably won't find Mark hauling a camera around taking pictures, that's my job. :) But occasionally he does take pictures or videos with his cell phone. Recently we put them on the computer so I thought I would post a few. Some of them are a few years old so I'll put the date with the picture when possible.

Ethan around age 4 showing his "mud buddy" creation.
Amelia around age 3 eating supper.

Heading into the OB Dept. to have Anton. Wow, I was big! 2/11/10

Someone got the tractor stuck putting on anhydrous. :)
Spring of 2009.

Another view of the situation.

Mark helped sand bag around the water treatment plant during the floods, I think this was the spring of 2008.

9/19/09 Amelia and I painting the barn from the
skid loader bucket. I'm around 5 months pregnant with Anton in this picture.

6/5/10 - Six years ago our pond was overloaded with little bass. We decided to stock the pond with bluegill and a few other fish so that the bass would have something to eat and
hopefully grow. It worked we now have some nice sized fish in our pond!
My Personal favorite. :) 9/16/2010
Mark had to dig a guys skid loader out of the mud with his track-hoe. I think someone should have called for help long before this point! :)