We've had another busy month! I didn't do the best job taking pictures, but here's a few to keep you up to date.

Not the best thing to start off with, but this is a picture of Elijah at his first dentist appointment. Yep, hiding in the corner, clinging to a chair. (sigh) Happily in the end he did sit on my lap and open his mouth for the dentist, thankfully he didn't have any problems so we won't have to go back for while!

On a happier note I took Anton and Elijah to Autumn Acres with our Momshine Group. We had nice weather and lots of friends to go on a hay-rack ride with!

Elijah's favorite activity was shooting the slingshot!

Gotta love cats. :) I guess watching Strawberry Shortcake with Amelia was a little boring.

This picture was taken while harvesting beans at the farm Mark and I bought this spring. Mark has been busy clearing trees here and the kids and I filled five skid loader buckets full of sticks left from last springs fence row clearing. Not a super fun job, but improving your own ground makes it a lot better!

We were thankful for nice weather most of the month, the kids love playing in the yard!

What's all the commotion?
We had a stray snapping turtle passing through the other day that got lots of attention.

We took the kids to the Fall Family Festival in Pella the other day. The kids love to paint pumpkins and play the yard games. The event has grown so much over the years, last year they had 1,200 kids! My kids aren't much for crowds and there was already a big one when it first opened so I'm thinking this may be our last year doing this activity.

They also had a sling shot, which was the only thing Elijah wanted to do. :)

We've made homemade apple cider for the last few years and couldn't go without this fall! Once you try this delicious, fresh cider you'll never buy it from the store again! We borrowed a friends cider press and made 6 gallons of cider to enjoy!