With the nearly 50 inches of rain we had this spring and summer, lots of work was needed to get the fields back in shape. We're thankful Mark has kept busy with his track hoe this month! It helped (financially) make up for the lower than normal crop yields. It's wonderful how God provides and gives us opportunities to support our family! Not only does Mark enjoy working with his track hoe, he is good at it which makes it all the better!
Mark cleaning out our neighbors ditch.
It's amazing how much dirt he moves in just a couple hours!

When we brought Mark some coffee time Elijah and Amelia took a little ride.
Elijah LOVES track hoes! His favorite toy right now is a little toy track hoe. He also has a little semi with a trailer that he uses to haul his track hoe around the house to different "jobs". Another fun thing he does is sing. He makes up little songs with one to three words that he sings over and over. Most songs have track hooooe, track hooooe in them. :)