We've been keeping busy and having fun this fall! The kids are always up to something outside. The change of weather usually doesn't stop them from being outdoors. Ethan keeps busy building or "fixing things in the shop. They all like to build forts and playhouses in the barn or sheds around the yard. Of course the leaves are great fun as well!

Elijah found a pair of Mark's old glasses and thought he would give them a try. Hmmm, does he look smart or naughty? :)

We ran out of firewood so Mark and the kids cut up an old tree next to the motocross track. Hopefully we can cut a little more before the snow flies!

For whatever reason Anton continually attacks this poor plant. Now that he's a "speedy" crawler I had to relocate it.

Anton hanging out in the leaves watching the kids play and sampling whatever he could find on the ground.

I tried to get a group shot of the kids, but it didn't really work out.

We've had several guys out riding over the past few weeks. Everyone is enjoying the weather while it lasts!