It's not been a fun couple days at our house. We lost power Wednesday evening during supper, just before Mark had to leave for a meeting. It was
ok for the first day I had all my laundry washed, but by day two I was tired of flipping switches only to be reminded we had no power! I am so thankful for our
woodburning stove which kept the main part of the house in the mid 60's the entire time. Another
positive, I didn't have to cook. :) Last night we went to Mark's parents house for pizza with the rest of his siblings (everyone was out of power). It was great to get out of the house! The kids had a fun time playing hide and seek with their cousins.
Unfortunately, Elijah and Amelia had a fall and now Elijah isn't able to walk. We know that she was holding or hugging him and they both fell. I think she may have landed on top of him but we aren't sure. I took in to the Doctor this morning and he said that he should be
ok in a day or two, if not we need to bring him back on Monday. They did a few x-rays and nothing was broke thankfully. I'm really hoping he heals soon not only for his sake but mine. It's not easy hauling him everywhere with my 9 month
prego belly! On a side note I had his 18 month pictures taken last week and they sent me a little video of our session. You can view it on my
Facebook page if you like.

The kids have some cleaning up to do before playing in the sandbox!

Our trees looked so "sad" and droopy.

This was taken several hours after the meltdown began. We had branches hanging nearly 10 feet lower than normal! We didn't loose any huge limbs but lots of little ones will need to be cleaned up.